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«It’s time Donald Trump gets the facts on El Paso and the border»

Por ( @mijo) · Permalink

Rep. Beto o’Rourke escribe en Medium criticando a Donald Trump por sus argumentos sin fundamento sobre la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos, específicamente habla sobre la situación en El Paso, Texas:

It’s time Donald Trump gets the facts on El Paso and the border. You can help him and others who are in the dark by sharing this post with your friends and family so that they know that:

  1. El Paso is ranked the safest city in the U.S. for the 4th year in a row, and San Diego is 2nd safest. These are the two biggest border cities.
  2. Apprehensions at the border are the lowest in nearly 40 years.
  3. Nationally the number of apprehensions per agent is down from 106 ten years ago to 23 today. In El Paso it is just over 4 apprehensions for the entire year per agent.
  4. The Federal budget for immigration enforcement has grown from $1.2 billion in 1986 to $17.9 billion in 2012 (1,400% increase).
  5. Net migration from Mexico last year was zero.
  6. El Paso is the safest city in the country in large part BECAUSE of (not in spite of) the large number of immigrants who call our city home. They are here to take part in the American Dream, to work, to get ahead and to contribute to this great country.

Lo que es hablar por hablar, ¿verdad?

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