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¿Tom DeLonge se salió o no de Blink-182?

Actualizado por ( @mijo) · Permalink

“We’re booked January 5th to go into the studio. On December 30th, we get an e-mail from Tom’s manager saying that he has no interest in recording and that he wants to do his other, non-musical stuff and that he’s out indefinitely. There’s a flurry of e-mails going back and forth for clarification about the recording and the show and his manager sends [an e-mail] back saying, «Tom. Is. Out.» Direct quote. This is the exact same e-mail we got back in 2004 when Tom went on indefinite hiatus before.”

Tom DeLonge ha lanzado un comunicado a través de su publicista (ah, mamón) que, efectivamente, no ha salido de Blink-182, pero que él tiene compromisos que limitan su disponibilidad en la banda este año, lo que podría sugerir por qué Matt Skiba de Alkaline Trio lo estaría reemplazando en el Festival Musink el próximo mes de marzo.

“I never quit the band,” he says. “Actually, I was on the phone discussing a possible Blink-182 event in New York City when I heard the ‘news’. The ONLY truth here is that I have commitments that limit my availability this year.”

“I love Blink-182 and I’m not leaving.”

Tom DeLonge

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